Sonar message structure

Processes send messages to Robolytix about their process. Each process have added Sonars, you can look at them as checkpoint. Each Sonar sends message to Robolytic, when process reach it. These messages are similar to simple HTTP ping, but they still contain some data. These data are used for identification of process and your account.

Message Structure

Full structure of one message is described in following example:

"message": {
    "name": "Upload done",
    "processid": "205758FA-CEA9-4AE8-97B4-EGE78D54E0E6",
    "type": "end",
    "runid": "dc36d2d5-12ea-43e4-b68e-6e7d23077bc4",
    "service": "Integromat",
List of properties:
  • name
    Name of the sonar identifies specific sonar. It should be unique in the whole process.
  • processid
    Process identification must contain process GUID from related account (one value from /listprocesses endpoint).
  • type
    Every process should start at sonars type Start and end at sonars type End. The number of Continuous sonars is unlimited. Use Error sonars for handling errors. Valid values are start, common, end and error.
  • runid
    Unique identification of one process run. Such as timestamp of first action or return value 'Run identification' from start Sonar.
  • service
    Identification of application or RPA tool. It should be name, or specific identification string (e.g. "Microsoft Dynamics", "Integromat", "Zapier",...).

Not all properties are accessible in each RPA tools. It depends on structure of this tool and its philosophy.

Robolytix is a real-time management analytic tool for business processes operating in any application or custom solution.
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